年份 |
内容/ 学习领域 |
题目及相关资料 |
2016 |
「以行求知 — 让学生投入学习」经验分享会
程序表 |
场刊/前言 |
中文 |
C01/C06 以思促写──思维训练在记事写作教学的实践(小三至小六)<簡報> 运用适当策略刺激思维,产生写作意念是写作前指导的一个重点。学校在小三至小六的记事写作教学中,配合写作主题,渗透不同的策略,如多方观点、两面思考及增加角色等,有效地丰富学生的写作内容及加强学生的创意。
C02/C07 一次研究课的尝试──让学生学会提问带动课堂教学 <簡報> 在中文科推行自主学习,学生必须先学会提问。培侨小学四年级的教师在一次研究课中尝试运用「自设问题阅读法」,以「问题五指关」教授学生自设问题的方法,并运用学生的提问带动课堂教学,培养学生的阅读能力。
C04/C09 三年级记事写作学习历程──有步骤、有系统、见果效<簡報> 初小学生从句段过渡至篇章写作,部份学生会感到困难。其中的原因是初小学生语言的表达能力不强,未能运用所学表达心中所想。是次分享会,协作学校透过教材、师生、生生互动,展示学生记事写作学习的历程及果效。
C05/C10 支持非华语学生学习中国语文──拟设「小步子」阅读教学策略分享(小三) <簡報>
英文 |
E01/E06 Marrying Reading Strategies and Pleasurable Reading Experiences <Presentation version> This session aims to share with participants some engaging reading activities in three reading text types, namely poems, comics and stories. To turn passive reading into active engagement tasks, teachers selected poems with musical rhythm which naturally invited students to move their body and play musical instruments. Teachers also found that authentic comics were useful text types for teaching various reading skills such as using pictorial clues and employing knowledge of the world. In reading short stories, students were led to interact with the different images, the process of story-telling and culture of English literature. Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Primary School’s KS1 reading curriculum highlights one of the core values of reading: It is important to blend reading skills and reading interest.
E02/E07 Revamping the School-based Curriculum in a Collaborative Approach: A Journey of Student Empowerment and Teacher Development <Presentation version> In this sharing session, the teachers will share with participants their collaborative experience in revamping the school-based writing curriculum across P.1 to P.6. They will illustrate how a vertical framework was developed with reference to the curriculum documents and textbooks, which outlines the learning focuses to be covered for each level and the teaching strategies to be adopted at different stages to help students write descriptive and narrative compositions. The impact of the reform on learning, teaching and teacher development, as well as the writing materials and writing tasks developed across levels will also be shared and discussed.
E03/E08 Using Newspapers to Teach English <Presentation version> Teachers at Tin Shui Wai Catholic Primary School would like to share with the audience how they integrate newspaper reading into the KS2 curriculum. The purpose is to help students cultivate the habit of reading English newspapers. This sharing will focus on three types of newspaper-based activities, namely reading news articles and writing news summaries (newspaper cutting), a 'primary' version of debates and on-line reading games. Teachers will focus on how they scaffold students to complete the above tasks. Participants are expected to have their mobile phones ready and take part in an on-line reading activity.
E04/E09 Butterfly Metamorphosis: Our Road of Transformation from Planning a Module to Shaping a Vertical Curriculum in KS1<Presentation version> Have you ever witnessed how a caterpillar grows into a colourful butterfly? The same miraculous transformation occurs not only in the natural world, but also in a local primary school. Conservative Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School recruited students from families offering little support in English learning. The radical transformation commenced four years ago when the project of 4As was introduced. Activation of prior knowledge, application of knowledge, active participation and achievement were the key elements integrated into our school-based English curriculum and the English classrooms. Learning modules, our vertical curriculum and classroom video clips will be shared for discussion.
E05/E10 Thinking in Action: Using Cognitive Tools to Help Students Learn Better <Presentation version> Three schools have participated in the study. The study seeks to reveal the interactive and communicative potential of using cognitive tools to help students learn better. Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division is demonstrating ‘To Flip or Not to Flip’. SKH Mung Yan Primary School is working on a study on students’ writing skills. A number of students are hand-picked from different classes to keep track of their performance. Lok Wah Catholic Primary School is working on how to help students prepare for a text. When working on a new text, students are given a clear, structured scaffold established in advance.
数学 |
M01/M07 小一及小二的「时间」概念──从了解学生能力到发展教学策略 <簡報> 李升大坑学校的生源主要为非华语学生,以英语为学习数学的语言,教学强调建立学生清晰的数学概念。老师会分享小一及小二的「时间」教学,包括如何从了解不同能力学生的学习需要,到设计多元化教学策略的发展经验。
M02/M08 建构「分数」在第二学习阶段中的「相对值」概念 <簡報> 小学生学习「分数」,会由认识数的「绝对值」,延伸至把数理解为「相对值」,是对「数的认识」的一个进阶及跳跃。分享会将介绍如何调适教学内容,配合在课堂施行引导及发现的教学,帮助学生建构分数中的相对值概念。
M03/M09 配合实作评量之教学举隅──小一及小二在「立体图形」和「平面图形」的教学策略分享 <簡報> 本环节由闽侨小学的老师分享,内容为如何按学生的认知发展及非华语学生的学习特点,设计配合实作评量之教学活动,以英语为学习语言,教授小一及小二的「立体图形」和「平面图形」,从而提升学生的空间智能。
M04/M10 「四边形」的纵向课程发展策略 <簡報> 这次分享会探讨「四边形」的纵向课程发展策略,内容包括四边形在小学数学课程中的重要性,四边形与度量课题的关连,以及学生在四边形的学习难点,并探究如何引入「变易理论」教授四边形的课题。
M05/M11 在数学课堂推行电子学习的经验分享 <簡報> 东华三院姚达之纪念小学(元朗)在电子学习的发展中,教师会在各级选择一些互动性较强及以建构知识为主的软件,让学生在课堂中进行小组学习活动。本学年更尝试在小五引进翻转课堂的预习活动,为课堂上的互动学习创造更理想的条件。
M06 三年级「除法」的难点处理──长除法的运用及应用题中的余数处理 <簡報> 「除法」是三年级的一个重要课题,不少学生不明白长除法计算的原理和方法,因而影响了学习效果;在应用题方面,学生也不容易理解余数处理的问题。本环节将探讨学生的学习困难,及提出解决办法。
M12 运用信息科技作为认知工具(小四面积) <簡報> 本分享会着重分享与老师共同发展电子学习策略于小四「面积」的经验,探讨如何利用平板计算机的应用程序作为认知工具,提升学生理解面积的概念,以及进行探究式学习活动及解难活动,进一步提升他们的高层次思维能力。
常识 |
GS01/GS05 科学与科技专题研习的实践──促进学生综合和应用知识与技能的能力 <簡報> 协作学校参考STEM教育,以真实问题作为专题研习题目,促进学生结合和应用知识与技能的能力。学生需要构思如何综合不同领域所学,并付诸实践。老师不断促进学生展示构思,透过实际测试和观察,引导学生作出改进。
GS02/GS06 如何在常识科中加强科学及科技教育 <第一場簡報> 在常识科中如何加强科学及科技教育的实施。学校参考了STEM 教育的理念,尝试在不同年级及课题加入科学、科技、数学及设计的元素进行教学,分享内容包括STEM教育的不同发展模式及其教学设计与实践的经验。
GS03/GS07 自主学习与常识科单元教学 <簡報> 本场次分享学校参考自主学习的教学模式―翻转教室与导学案,在高年级实施自主学习,发展学生的自学能力。内容有两个重点:(一)设计与实施相关教学模式的经验与(二)检视教学效能与学生学习表现。
GS04/GS08 孩子的「无穷」盼望< 簡報> 宝血小学运用了常识科课题「贫穷与饥饿」的相关概念为「香港贫穷问题」跨学科课程的纵轴,配合经验学习法及跨学科专题硏习,让学生界定贫穷定义,了解贫穷的苦况,探讨及分析问题成因,并建议解决方案。